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I am an ambassador of privacy rights. Thus I highly welcome that the European Union introduces extensive privacy regulations. Herewith I assure that as long as you are not getting in touch with me by email, you are surfing anonymously on my website.


This website uses non personal related cookies solely for technical and security reason. Cookies are tiny text files stored on your device. However, cookies are not evil by default. The cookies I use do not process any personal data.

Name Value Paths Storage Reason
XSRF-Token random hash key all 1 day security: prevents you against CSRF attacks
session random hash key all 1 day technical: if applicable it stores encrypted user information e.g. language preferences or access rights to restricted pages


My server collects log files from each user session for auditing and security purposes. Those information are provided by your web browser and usually include technical data such as type and version of your browser, operating system, referer URL, time of request as well as personal data such as your IP address.

Before logging I anonymize your IP address by replacing the last three digits with an 'X'. This process makes the log files solely of technical nature without any possibility (at least to my knowledge) to trace the data back to a person.

Getting in touch

I welcome you to get in touch with me to discuss possible cooperation. This way I do collect personal data from you like your email address and any other personal data that you may reveal within the process of our communication.

I view those communication requests as steps prior entering into a contract (Art. 6, GDPR, paragraph 1,b). If you get in touch with me, I assume you accept this view. I will delete your personal data as soon as our contract ends or I as soon as I realize that we are not going to enter into a contract.

Rights of the data subject

I welcome that the GDPR provides the data subject, meaning you, the right to access your processed data at any time. Further you have the right to restrict the processing of your data among other. If you want to demand any of your rights, please get in touch with me and I do my best to match your expectations. Visit the legal notice page for my contact data.

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